Interaction & Discussion Guidelines

There are two basic ways for your voice to be heard: Discussion groups and responding to our periodic anonymous surveys.

By requesting to become a member of this community, you agree to abide by the following discussion guidelines:
  • No personal attacks
  • No hate speech
  • Please use respectful language and tone
  • No spam or advertising
  • No misrepresentation
  • Please keep on topic
  • Honor the privacy of this forum
Please take responsibility for the quality of the conversations in which you're participating and the accuracy of information provided. We reserve the right to remove any comments that might be found disrespectful or inappropriate.
In the event that we feel the above criteria are being violated, you will be given one warning and a second infraction will cause you to be deleted from our forums. Access to all other pages will continue to be available.

By responding to our surveys, we are able to keep our pulse on the opinions in the community. Unless you provide identifying data in your response, your response is anonymous and cannot be tied to your online account, even by our administrators. After a sufficient amount of data is collected, the survey results will be shared for all members to view.